Dating in the modern world can be tricky, especially when it comes to finding someone who shares your values and beliefs. With the rise of social justice movements and increased awareness of systemic issues, many people are now looking for partners who are "woke" and socially conscious. But how can you tell if the guy you're dating is truly the "woke bae" he claims to be? Here are 15 signs that he might not be as woke as he thinks he is.

You know how sometimes you think you've found the perfect match, only to realize they're not quite on the same page as you? It can be pretty disappointing. But don't worry, we've got your back. Check out this link for some helpful tips on how to spot those warning signs early on. Trust us, it's better to know sooner rather than later!

1. Lack of intersectional awareness

One of the key aspects of being woke is understanding the intersectionality of different social issues. If the guy you're dating only focuses on one aspect of social justice, such as feminism, and fails to see how race, class, and other factors intersect with gender, he may not be as woke as he claims.

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2. Ignorance of privilege

A truly woke individual is aware of their privilege and actively works to dismantle it. If the guy you're dating dismisses the concept of privilege or fails to acknowledge his own privilege, it could be a sign that he lacks the self-awareness needed to be truly woke.

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3. Microaggressions

Pay attention to how the guy you're dating speaks about marginalized groups. If he consistently makes microaggressions or uses language that is dismissive or harmful, it could be a sign that he doesn't fully understand the impact of his words.

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4. Lack of allyship

Being woke is not just about understanding social issues, but also about taking action to support marginalized communities. If the guy you're dating is not actively engaged in allyship efforts or doesn't stand up for marginalized groups, he may not be as woke as he claims.

5. Tokenism

Beware of performative allyship, where the guy you're dating only supports social justice causes for his own benefit or to appear woke. If his support feels superficial or tokenistic, it's likely that he isn't as committed to social justice as he claims.

6. Fragile masculinity

A truly woke individual is secure in their masculinity and is not threatened by strong, independent women. If the guy you're dating exhibits signs of fragile masculinity, such as feeling emasculated by a partner's success, he may not be as woke as he claims.

7. Lack of accountability

Being woke means being willing to acknowledge and learn from mistakes. If the guy you're dating is defensive when called out on problematic behavior or fails to take responsibility for his actions, it could be a sign that he lacks the humility needed to be truly woke.

8. Centering himself in conversations

A woke individual recognizes the importance of centering the experiences and voices of marginalized communities. If the guy you're dating consistently steers conversations back to himself or his experiences, it could be a sign that he lacks the empathy and understanding needed to be truly woke.

9. Lack of education and self-reflection

Wokeness requires ongoing education and self-reflection. If the guy you're dating is not actively seeking out new information, engaging with diverse perspectives, or challenging his own beliefs, he may not be as woke as he claims.

10. Inaction on social justice issues

Actions speak louder than words. If the guy you're dating claims to be woke but fails to take action on social justice issues or support causes that are important to him, it could be a sign that his wokeness is only surface-level.

11. Resistance to learning

A truly woke individual is open to learning from others, especially those with lived experiences different from their own. If the guy you're dating is resistant to learning from marginalized voices or dismisses the experiences of others, it could be a sign that he lacks the humility needed to be truly woke.

12. Inconsistency in behavior

Pay attention to how the guy you're dating behaves in different contexts. If he only acts woke around certain people or in certain spaces, but exhibits problematic behavior in other situations, it could be a sign that his wokeness is performative rather than genuine.

13. Lack of empathy

Wokeness requires empathy and a willingness to listen and understand the experiences of others. If the guy you're dating lacks empathy for marginalized communities or fails to listen to and validate the experiences of others, he may not be as woke as he claims.

14. Dismissal of social justice issues

If the guy you're dating consistently dismisses or downplays the importance of social justice issues, it's a clear sign that he is not as woke as he claims. A truly woke individual recognizes the urgency and importance of addressing systemic issues.

15. Resistance to change

Lastly, pay attention to how the guy you're dating responds to feedback and new information. If he is resistant to change and growth, and fails to adapt his beliefs and behavior in light of new information, it could be a sign that he lacks the openness and willingness to learn needed to be truly woke.

In conclusion, wokeness is more than just a label or a trend—it's a commitment to ongoing learning, self-reflection, and action in support of marginalized communities. If the guy you're dating exhibits any of these signs, it may be worth considering whether he is truly the woke bae he claims to be. Remember, being in a relationship with someone who shares your values and beliefs is important, so don't be afraid to hold out for a partner who is genuinely woke.